2022 may be remembered as the year in which we were shaken by a global pandemic but surely it will also go down in history as the period in which the digital transformation of both companies and individuals in all the world.
In addition, the facts demonstrate the growing need to adapt our lives, our knowledge, and our jobs to a new, much more technological scenario, in which the digital economy has become the main engine of economic growth. According to data from the latest Digital Employment Observatory of ISDI, the Higher Institute for Internet Development, this year the coronavirus has caused the search for digital talent to increase by 191%.
Likewise, the acceleration of the companies digitalization and the need for increasingly technologically prepared professionals has increased the number of job offers aimed at digital profiles by 56%. In this sense, the search for more hybrid and complex profiles that are capable of providing strategic vision and different approaches in crises, as well as successfully managing teams remotely, stands out.
Among the sectors with the highest demand for employment and with the most exits in 2020, ISDI data places the Cybersecurity area in the first place, followed by E-commerce, Big Data, and Marketing.
Faced with this scenario and to take advantage of the lessons learned in these months, ISDI has identified the keys that will determine what will be relevant in the professional training of the future and that therefore must be taken into account to be one of the most wanted from 2023.
- Focusing: when thinking about how to guide the future of work during the next year, it is essential to identify which are the professions that are expected to have the most growth and demand in 2021. According to data from the World Economic Forum published in its last report in October 2022 “The Future of Jobs Report”, the areas of Cybersecurity, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Business are the sectors that are growing the most and that more new profiles are in demand for their respective departments.
- Flexibility: professionals have to assume, like a mantra, the importance of developing skills that allow them to be flexible and adapt to changes and new work methodologies. There is a constant need for upskilling or additional training to help the worker perform their duties better, as well as reskilling, i. e., continuous professional retraining to adapt to changes and know how to deal with crisis and uncertainty situations.
- Productivity: another essential quality that adds value to employees, and that will surely be decisive in the selection processes of 2021, is knowing how to help companies take care of and increase their productivity even in new scenarios such as teleworking. For this, workers must know how to take advantage of the benefits and applications of different technological tools that are currently on the rise and that have come to stay, since they facilitate the day-to-day of remote work and, therefore, contribute to productivity improvement.
Taking these premises into account, it is confirmed that one of the best purposes that a professional can have for 2021 is continuous training, especially in digital skills.